Estancia Chapelco S.A., the company that developed and markets Chapelco Golf & Resort, reports its new rental management scheme for the complex's properties.
The rents of the houses in the neighborhood have been increasing in demand and in supply. With more homes built and a growing public looking for Chapelco Golf & Resort to vacation, undoubtedly the management service of these properties, plus an orderly and strategic marketing, is a priority. With the same idea that has inspired the development of Chapelco Golf & Resort, from Estancia Chapelco S.A. we propose a high quality management. For this, we have a new team in charge of the different aspects of the process: promotion in accordance with the communication strategy of the Resort, a discount scheme so that - depending on the length of the stays - they apply and a dynamic management through the treatment personalized with owners and guests. Services • We keep an exhaustive calendar for each property. • We supervise the performance of the housing staff. • We coordinate the entry and exit of guests and their correct registration. • We provide additional services such as activity programs inside and outside the resort, hiring babysitters or caregivers, kitchen staff, permanent maids, among others. • We monitor the condition of the property before, during and after the rental.

How to rent your property? We request that all those owners who seek to be part of this scheme, send us the complete data of their homes to: Workflow We generate a face-to-face or virtual meeting to set prices and design the discount system. We will request authorization for the houses to be published on our site and networks. We will require that when you rent on your own on other platforms, you keep us informed immediately and thus be able to block the dates that are no longer available. In this way, we will order the supply so that the demand, which many times exceeds what is projected, has the correct information quickly and safely, which will lead to better responses and make the business prosper. On the other hand, we will need the data of the service personnel that they wish to employ in their homes. In case they do not have it, we will provide it. In our response we will clarify the commission costs and extraordinary expenses arising from the hiring.

How to rent? Those who wish to rent temporarily or for vacation purposes, should write to us at the same email: clarifying the date of check in - check out, number of passengers and intended amenities. Message We are convinced that the strategic management that we have established in recent times is the most efficient to carry out this business unit within the Resort, which is highly required indeed. Although we have vast experience, the changes applied in recent times are leading us towards excellence. We hope that both owners and tenants find in us the best solutions.
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